Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

Mother of God: August 5th, Anniversary of My Birth

I would like to thank you, on this recurrence of My Birth. If you can, receive the Sacraments on this day


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August 5 2016: Message to the seer Lily of the Holy Face of Jesus (Giglio del Santo Volto)

  •  English
  •  Italian

Mother of God: August 5th, Anniversary of My Birth

“Little lily of My Immaculate Heart, great will be the rewards that the Most Holy Father will reserve to give you in short time.

He is already taking action, and not only for you, but for that person that We have placed at your side, about the Project of the Lord for the Work in the Holy Vineyard.

 You will receive great Graces of conversion and radical change of your hearts, if you would be able to accept this moment of trouble.

 Remember dear children, that when you ask God to grant (a grace) you must trust in Him.

Surrender yourselves to His Embrace and you will be amazed to see how skeins will melt away, in every situation, personal and not.

So cheer up My children, because Justice is already upon your heads, since long time.

 This can only be a good thing, for the salvation of the obstinate.

When you pray for those who are distant from God, He often allows them to fall thunderously, just because of their egocentricity and their obstinacy, their stubbornness not to want to understand what, in Itself, is light which can lead to an improvement of life, although giving up ephemeral things that deceive and nothing more.

  I would like to thank you, on this recurrence of My Birth.

If you can, receive the Sacraments on this day1.

Also offer them to the souls that already have been made known to you.

They very much appreciate the recitation of the whole Crown of the Holy Rosary, or if you will do what you can with short heartfelt invocations, you will know also that these will be readily heard and accepted.

Be thankful for what your eyes will see, lips will pronounce and ears will hear!

1 Mary of Nazareth (Mother of Jesus, God made Man, the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity), was born on August 5th, the birthday of the Mother of God, Mother of all Christians.

Give thanks to the Most Holy Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit that support you in the long wait.

Because everything stays in the hands of God, and nothing is left to chance when He guides the events.

Your most beloved Heavenly Mother, unparalleled Mediatrix, before the Most High.

Maria SS: “5 Agosto Ricorrenza della Mia Nascita”

Piccolo giglio del Mio Cuore Immacolato, grandi saranno le ricompense che il Padre Santissimo si riserverà di darti in breve tempo.

Egli Sta già intervenendo e non soltanto per te, ma per quella persona che ti abbiamo posto a fianco, nel Progetto del Signore per l’Operato nella Vigna Santa.

Riceverete grandi Grazie di conversione e cambiamento radicale dei cuori, se saprete accettare questo momento di difficoltà.

Ricordate cari figli, che quando chiedete a Dio di esaudirvi, dovete fidarvi di Lui.

Abbandonatevi al Suo Abbraccio e sarete stupiti di come le matasse si scioglieranno, in ogni situazione, personale e non.

Quindi, animo figli Miei, perché la Giustizia è già sulle vostre teste, da tempo.

Questo non può essere che un bene, per la salvezza degli ostinati.

Quando pregate per coloro che sono distanti da Dio, spesso Egli permette la caduta fragorosa degli stessi, proprio a causa dell’egocentrismo e dell’ostinazione, della caparbietà nel non voler comprendere ciò che in Sé è luce e può portare ad un miglioramento della vita stessa, seppur rinunciando alle cose effimere che illudono e niente più.

Vi desidero ringraziare, in questa Ricorrenza della Mia Nascita.

Se potete, accostatevi ai Sacramenti, in questa giornata.

E offrite per le anime che vi sono già state rese note.

Gradisco molto la recita della Corona intera del Santo Rosario, ma se farete ciò che potrete con brevi invocazioni accorate, saprete che anche le stesse saranno prontamente ascoltate ed accettate.

Siate riconoscenti per ciò che occhi vedranno, labbra pronunceranno e orecchi udiranno!




Lily of the Holy ShroudThe seer Lily of the Holy Face of Jesus (Giglio del Santo Volto), is a woman from Italy who lives a humble and hidden life. Those people whose heart belong to God, will recognize in these messages the voice of the Good Shepherd, God the Almighty, The Triune God: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Who call all to salvation. Be the one who listens by abandoning a sinful life, by embracing prayer and by following the eternal 10 Commandments. Time is running out.