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Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

Jesus of Nazareth: Now is the time for the family to pray together for the guidance of the Holy Spirit

Through your magazines, books, television and other means of communication, the families are losing their ability to understand the very nature of the family bond


Nov 1, 2007 – Jesus of Nazareth
St. Elizabeth’s Parish, Meditation Garden, South Huntington, NY, All Saints Day at 11:30am

Jesus of Nazareth: Now is the time for the family to pray together for the guidance of the Holy Spirit

“My son,

I brought you here to this garden where the children play peacefully yet actively, growing as they do in the family to which they have been given.

In viewing this place of meditation of the Holy Family, I ask you to meditate upon the richness of the family and the family life that has been ordained by the Father for all His children.

In your world today, the family is under great attack by my enemies who are so fully among you.

I speak of my enemies in the spiritual world who have brought their influence to bear upon the children of the world and who are wreaking devastation and destruction on the very fiber of the family life.

Among you today, through the media, the institutions, the places of higher learning, in your government, and in your schools, the family as designed by the Father is being attacked and reduced to a shadowy existence of the family that God the Father had designed for His children, all of you, my brothers and sisters.

You see, the Father in Heaven chose for His people to grow in their lives through Love, the kind of Love that is eternal and that comes from the Father, not the kind of love that is being fed to you today through the media and sources of communication that attempt to reduce love to a secular and spiritless emotion that is only carnal in nature and that will not stand the test of time; for all relationships as ordained by the Father are not of a purely carnal nature.

The Love that God the Father intends for His children is the Eternal Love that we share here in the Heavenly Realms. The purest form of love that we experience here can only be experienced in the earthly realms through great personal sacrifice that one has for another, with true commitment on a spiritual level, and not the kind of romantic love that has been foisted upon you by the media as the ultimate form of love.

Do you not see what is happening to the families around the world now?

The families are being lured by the materialism and greed of the world into pursuing hedonistic pleasures, not only personally but also as a family; for my enemies know no bounds in attempting to ruin the plan of the Father for His children.

Through your magazines, books, television and other means of communication, the families are losing their ability to understand the very nature of the family bond.

The perfect family as manifested by the Holy Family of my Mother Mary and my earthly Father Joseph is a family for you all to emulate in that the Holy Family of my earthly life had made great sacrifices so that all of you can profit and prosper from my message to humanity to save itself from destruction by returning to the plan of God the Father for all humanity.

You may remember that the Holy Family had struggled greatly to assure that I would grow to fulfill my mission as ordained by the Father and as prophesied in ancient scripture.

Can you imagine what the world would be like today if my journey with you, my brothers and sisters, had not been accomplished?

My journey with you when I walked the face of the Earth was in part to keep humanity from self-destructing, and great accomplishments have been made in that regard, because I sacrificed myself for you and for my Father; as well as sacrificing so that great things would be accomplished by those who followed me in the Church that was ordained by the Father through the Son.

Now great demands are being made upon the Church, particularly for the Church to recognize the importance of maintaining the sanctity of the family and the sanctity of human life.

The Church must defend the family as an institution in these times because my enemies want to diminish and dissolve the family and the family values that the Lord and Saviour wants you to follow, so that families stay together; and that they stay together through the Love, the Eternal Love of the Father, the Guiding Love that will lead all families of faith through the most troubling times.

But, alas! Many families have lost sight of the Love of the Father and of My Love, and these families are falling upon the wayside and experiencing the devastation and loss of their family life because the Love of the Father and Son is not with them.

But there is a time now for change for these families and for all families to return to the original order or plan of creation that God has ordained for the family in this world.

Now is the time for the family to pray together for the direction and guidance of the Holy Spirit to enter into the family and the family life to change the family for the better.

This is a clarion call to the family, to all families in the Universe to unite under the banner of the Eternal Love that God the Father has ordained for you.

All families that are experiencing loss, and grief, and desolation, because of a lack of the Holy Spirit should unite now in prayer for a return of their family to a place that will lead all family members to the Eternal Reward.

I ask all of you to make a special effort to reunite your vows to your husband or wife; to bond with your children; and to return to the Church where your family life was first ordained to receive the graces and blessings of the Father for the family.

A return to the Church for the family and for each and every family member in these times is necessary to bring all of the families back to the fold of the Father and Creator.

Take the time now as a family to address the issues that I present to you today.

Is it not time now for you and your family members to return to God?

If you do these things together as a family, I promise you that the difficult times ahead will be seen differently for you, because you and your family members will be able to face the future with courage and hope, not depression and despair, because the power of the Holy Spirit working through you and your family members will make the trials of this world lighter than if you proceed from hereon to pursue blindly the material world of greed and corruption.

Now is the time for all families to take advantage of the calling to prayer and sacrifice that the Father has always asked of the family to strengthen and enforce your bonds to the Eternal World through prayer and support for the family.

Remember me today, as Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of parents who made great sacrifices so that my journey and my mission could be accomplished.

Think of yourself filling the role of the parents of the Saviour and the sacrifices that you would have to make, and then perhaps you could realize the importance your own role is in saving humanity from destruction.

Perhaps then you will begin to lead your life in a more saintly fashion that will lead you to the Heavenly and Eternal Home that is shared by all of the saints who transformed from their human journey to assume a place of peace and serenity in the Heavenly Home.

I come to you today as Jesus of Nazareth and ask you to pray not only for your own family and its members, but also for all families throughout the world.

Jesus of Nazareth




Ned Dougherty’s Near-Death Experience and His Visions of the Future

Ned Dougherty

In his mid-thirties, Ned Dougherty (an Irish name, pronounced “Dock-erty”) had everything: money, women, property, prestige, and power. He was a real estate broker for twenty-six years owning popular nightclubs in Palm Beach, Florida, and the Hampton’s, Long Island’s exclusive playground for the rich and famous. He lived in the fast lane every hour of the day, pursuing every pleasure money could buy. Despite his religious upbringing as a Roman Catholic, he had no interest in a spiritual life because he didn’t believe in an afterlife.

He was too busy searching for a good time to be bothered with such things. This all changed on July 2, 1984 when he had a near-death experience (NDE) resulting from a heart attack after a heated – almost murderous – fist fight with a business associate.

Dougherty’s NDE caused him to undergo a radical life transformation in which he gave up his nightclub business and party lifestyle and embraced his hitherto neglected Catholic religion. His NDE gave him a conscious awareness of his mission in life which was to embark upon charitable and missionary work. During his NDE, a wonderful “Lady of Light” (whom he identified as the Virgin Mary) revealed to him future global catastrophes many of which have already occurred which you will read in this article.

Today, Dougherty is a featured speaker, a former director and media spokesperson for the International Association for Near-Death Studies ( He also founded a spiritual center as revealed in his NDE called the Mission of Angels Foundation ( through which he speaks on life-after-death issues, NDEs, Marian apparitions, and other spiritual matters.

He also hosts End Times Daily ( – a Catholic news site focusing on eschatology – where he publishes interior locutions he has been receiving on a monthly basis since 2005.

Ned Dougherty

Book: Fast Lane to Heaven: Celestial Encounters that Changed My Life
Published in March of 2001. This book documents his amazing NDE and visions of Earth’s future.




Ned Dougherty’s End of Days Website: