Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

Anguera Prophecies (5): A Solar System is Approaching Our Sun

The collision between two giants in the universe [SUN and SECOND SUN] will cause great damage to the earth. Fire will fall from the sky and many regions of the earth be reached


List of all prophecies

“An extraordinary phenomenon will happen in Europe. The men will not explain it. When men witness the rise of the great light, know that it is near the great final battle. The men will call it the ‘SECOND SUN’.” – (Message from the Holy Mother of God Anguera Message N.3199 – 11/08/2009)

It is not a PLANET but a complete SOLAR SYSTEM

2200 years before Jesus Christ, roughly 4216 years ago, it produced the GREAT FLOOD. Now, in the next coming it will be the VERY LAST, because it will crash our SUN.

“The collision between two giants in the universe [SUN and SECOND SUN] will cause great damage to the earth. Fire will fall from the sky and many regions of the earth be reached”. – (Holy Mother of God Anguera Message 3.113 – 01/24/2009)

To be able to scientifically compute the timing of its arrival we need the following FUNDAMENTAL data:

1 – Second Sun Orbit in YEARS or Astronomic Unities

2 – Second Sun MASS in respect to our SUN

3 – It’s DISTANCE from our SUN 4 – At a certain DATE

The Angels’ crop circles will supply all the data

1 – CROP CIRCLE -7/15/2008

In Fig. 2 we find one of the most important crop circle given to us by the Angels that talks about END of TIMES. This has been modified 7 days later, adding also another crop beside this. Both of them tell us waht is going to happen and when.

As many already know this reproduce the planet situation on 12/22/2012, except for a pair of partcularities: Pluto’s position is advanced of about 30° and Uranus also of about 10° in respect to their real position. This means that a FORCE on their front is actracting them forward

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FIG. 2 – CROP CIRCLE- 07/15/2008

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Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptun and Pluto
FIG. 2 – CROP CIRCLE- 07/15/2008



On July 22nd 2008 the CROP has been modified and doubled, giving more informations. This “8 days” has also a meaning. Here we will consider only the left part modified. The remaining right part supplies the revelation plague earth dates and will be explained later.

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FIG. 3 – CROP CIRCLE- 07/22/2008

The new modifications by the Angels now gives several additional indications:


2 – The 3 lines does not have the same length and either they do not have the same final ENDING

3 – The 4 spheres added on the left is the SECOND SUN plus its planets (see also Fig. 1 on top page on the 1994 crop circle). The first reinforced white line on the bottom indicates where the S.S. is positioned at the date we will have to find out.

4 – In 2015 the Angels have supplied us of at least 2 other crop circles that show the shifting of our planets orbits, due to the approaching second.Sun

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FIG. 4

This sign says: the second sun enters our solar system.
Also note that Pluot’s position is advanced in respect to the real one on the blue CIRCLE

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FIG. 4.1

Uranus here is more forwarded towards the blue circle in respect to its real position compared to Neptune

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FIG. 5 – This sign says about where the position of THE SECOND SUN is going to be at a certain date.

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FIG. 5.1 – Shows Pluto and Mars on the same line to the SUN

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FIG. 5.2 – Shows Pluto NOT to the same line to the Sun

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The second white sign we consider is the Jupiter orbit intersection on points A and I. These two points, we are going to see on the next figures, state the START and THE END we need to know. The other point B we’ll leave it out for now. Point A is the Jupiter position in a range of +/- 10 days of August 2013, while point I is Jupiter position a a range of +/- 10 days at 07/22/2017

We tried to round the image at best, fixed a protractor inside and found Jupiter is at +15°, while the A point is at +35° (August 2013) and I POINT at +148°, will be in JULY 2017.

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FIG. 7 – Verification of Jupiter positioning – FIG. 7.1 – Point A indicates 08/15/2013 +/- 10 days

The second white sign we consider is the Jupiter orbit intersection on points A and I. These two points, we are going to see on the next figures, state the START and THE END we need to know. The other point B we’ll leave it out for now. Point A is the Jupiter position in a range of +/- 10 days of August 2013, while point I is Jupiter position a a range of +/- 10 days at 07/22/2017

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FIG. 5.2 – Shows Pluto NOT to the same line to the Sun

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FIG. 7.1 – Verification of Jupiter positioning with more accurate precision

Note VENUS at the very end of the new internal white WIDER circle that has been exploded onto the second Angel’s arrival

SECOND SUN POSITION on 08/04/2013 and 07/22/2017

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FIG. 8 – Verification of Jupiter positioning with SOFTWARE SIMULATOR + 148° = 07/22/2017

FIG. 9 – Meanings of the 3 WHITE LINES

1 – The first line below SAYS THAT the Second Sun is entering our Solar System and SUPPLY ITS POSITION

2 – The second line in the centre supplies a UNIT of measure (U.A) and the tiltin of the S.S. orbit.

3 – The third line on the top moreover than Point A and I as INITIAL/FINAL DATEs, it also supplies the REAL DISTANCE of the SECOND SUN at the date indicated as August 2013.


Further NOTE: 22-[7+2+0+0+8= 17] —> 07/22/2017

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FIG. 9 – Explanation of the 3 big white lines

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FIG. 9.1 – Graphical verification of the Second Sun Mass in respect of our Sun mass deduced on the DIAMETERS total mass of the SECOND SUN Graphically is: 0,82 + 0,44 + 0,24 + 0,15 = 1,65 1st SECOND SUN MASS in respect to OUR SUN MASS result is= 1,65 / 2,54 = 0,65

07/24/1994 CROP CIRCLE – The meaning:

1 – the first part indicates a solar system arriving. The UNCENTERED CIRCLE into the BIGGER CRICLE is the SIGN mostly used by the Angels to indicate the SECOND SUN on the way.

2 – When the two CIRCLEs are perfectly centered instead, the meaning becomes: NOW WE ARE at the END. The Second Sun has centered our SUN.

3 – During the Second Sun approaching there is a change on the back planets. We have 4 planets without any satellite, then only 3 planets with 5 satellites. In fact on the way, URANUS is very near to the Second Sun line, so it is most probable that one of its planets will hit URANUS and destroy it, and the major Uranus satellites are cacthed by the reaming 3 S.S. planets. See next figures white arrows.

Please also note: 07/24/1994 where—> [2+4+7+1+9 ] = 23 —> 1994+23 = 2017 —> 07/24/2017

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FIG. 9.1.2 – This crop shows the Second Sun approaching our SUN

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FIG. 9.1.3 – Close up of the Second Sun approaching our SUN

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FIG. 9.1.3 – Close up of the crop showing the Second Sun approaching our SUN

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FIG. 9.1.4 – East Dean, Sussex | July 24th 1994 CROP CIRCLE
Graphical FINDING of the MASS of the SECOND SUN by using the diameters ratio (the only way we have)
SECOND SUN MASS (red line) in respect to OUR SUN MASS result is= 1,65 / 2,5 = 0,66

Then the SECOND SUN MASS is 0,666 our SUN

666 is the number of the beast and of antichrist – what a coincidence

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FIG. 9.1.5 – Uranus is on the SECOND SUN approaching line in10/13/2016
TOP VIEW but S.S will pull its orbit out before that date

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FIG. 9.1.6 – Uranus is on the SECOND SUN approaching line in10/13/2016

06/17/2012 CROP CIRCLE: Explanation

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FIG. 9.2 – This crop indicates (right side) that when our SUN enters the cancer constellation, the Second Sun enters our solar system. The reference to start count is the date indicated by the PLANET position (22-12-2012) internally placed into the big OVAL. The OVAL with “pointed fringes” indicates the shape of the Second Sun orbit and the real shape. The small circles of the fringes is the indication of the remaining planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto that are spread out onto 9+9 strips (fringes). This 9 fringes gives 2 other important indications. See below

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FIG. 9.3 – The right side of the crop shows the position of OUR sun when it enters the cancer constellation, to be considered AFTER THE DATE indicated by the position of the internal planets that is always the 12/22/2012 positioning.

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FIG. 9.4 We can see the date on the simulator at the same exact position: 08/04/2013

This crop gives the following indications:

1 – WHEN the Second Sun enters the Solar System


3 – The Orbit shape

4 – WHEN the SECOND SUN hits our SUN


1 – WHEN the Second Sun enters the Solar System: is given by the Sun position into the CANCER constellation 4-8-2013

2 – The DISTANCE at THAT PARTICULAR DATE – 45 small circles above and 45 small circles below means the followings: the first circles ABOVE give the UNITIES in A.U and the second below supplies the decimal: 45,45 Astronomic Unities. This answer complies with prevoius founded.

2nd DISTANCE FOUND : 45,45 UA at 08/04/2013

3 – The Orbit shape is of COURSE ELLIPTICAL and has a semi axes ratio of 0,66 to 1

4 – WHEN the SECOND SUN hits our SUN

Indications now are the followings: 46 small circles above and 45 small circles below. We consider the date 4-8-2013 when the S.S. enters our solar system:

08/04/2013 + 46 MONTHS = 06/04/2017

06/04/2017 + 45 DAYS = 07/19/2017

from 07/22/2008 CROP
from 06/17/2012 CROP
Second Sun Solar System entering Date
SECOND SUN MASS graphically deduced
45 UA
45,45 UA
SECOND SUN MASS graphically deduced
Date of arrival toward the SUN
ORBIT lenght in years or Astronomic Unities

CROP 08/16/2014 states the SECOND SUN ORBIT in Years and A.U.

1st possibility assuming Holy Bible great flood 2200 years B.C.: 4200 years reaching year 2000 A.C: 4217,8 years total (assuming July 2017 S.S. arrival)

2nd possibility given by 08/16/2014 Angel’s crop circle: 4217,8 anni or 261 Astronomic Unities

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FIG. 10 – The central EYE and the numbers: 4 – 24 – 12 – 26 -1

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FIG. 10.1 – The central EYE and the numbers: 4 – 24 – 12 – 26 -1

Explanation of the CROP

The internal eye states the object of the research: THE ORBIT, as internally there is a PUPIL that simulate a SUN. So an ORBIT and a SUN

The reference is outside the big circle: an external far round object: we suppose the SECOND SUN. This reference gives also a way of counting

At the centre we have FOUR 90° semicircles that have 4 angles, and the meaning is 4 Millenium, or 2 reasons: the SEMICIRCLES take 1/4 of the entire circle, and the 4 angles means the number considered must be set at the 4th cipher from the right:

Mxxx = 4.000

Then we have 24 triangles pointing the centre, so in fase with the millenium Triangles have 3 angles or 3 sides, so 3rd cipher from the right: xDxx = x24x PARTIAL TOTAL 4.240 years then we have the 24 small wishbones that are counterphase (summit against summit) the external triangles. This has 2 meanings:

1 – SMALLER than the triangles means it is the 3rd cipher from the left

2 – COUNTERPHASE means MUST be SUBCRACTED ( see fig. 10.2)

xxAx = xx24

PARTIAL TOTAL 4.216 years

Now we have to add (because in phase towards the external triangles) the 12 yellow wishbones inside more smaller that means the 4th cipher from the left ( see fig. 10.2)

xxxA = xxx1,2

PARTIAL TOTAL 4.216 + 1,2 = 4217,2

We did add only half of them because they are on the centerline and devided by 2- But even if we should add all of them (24) we would have:

PARTIAL TOTAL 4.216 + 2,4 = 4218,4 years

The mean found between the 2 results is: 4217,8 YEARS

The division on the center line maybe really means to make the MEDIA of the two results. The results is the same as form the Holy Bible.


The wishbones indicates the hundreds of years and at last there is a wishbone by itself that means that it has a different meaning: a UNITY to add.

260 + 1


The relationship between 261 ASTRONOMIC UNITIES correspond to 4216,6 years orbit.

3rd Keplero’s LAW

Radius in A.U. = 261 —–> 261^3 = 17779581


Square root of 17779581 = 4216, 6 Years

a more accurate result is given by the real YEARS computed before:

4217,8 years

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FIG. 10 – Explanation of SUMs and SUBTRACTIONs

1st possibility from the HOLY Bible
2nd possibility from the CROP
4217,8 years
4217,8 years

VENUS, EARTH and MOON will be together

Several Angel Crops show that we will move toward Venus orbit. See the following two samples. Fig. 11 will be explained hereafter and confirms all the prophecies of The Holy Mother of God in Anguera- Baia – Brasil

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FIG. 11 – 07/17/2008 CROP CIRCLE:
It predicts VENUS, EARTH and MOON to be together

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FIG. 11 – 07/22/2008 CROP CIRCLE:
It shows VENUS, EARTH together

Book of Revelation: Dates of the Plagues


We tried to round the image at best, fixed a protractor inside and fix the REFERENCE. The REFERENCE is JESUS CHRIST SECOND COMING and on this CROP the reference is clearly noticeable on the LAST DINNER on the HOLY THURSDAY before any catholic EASTER. The sign is a TABLE with seats of the 11 Apostles and the SACRED WHITE BREAD on the TABLE (the Eucharist). So we fix the date found on the same CROP (07/22/2017), in the very centre of the table and start to find out the remaining dates by using the 360° of the protractor towars the days (360 degrees / 365 days —> ONE DAY EVERY 0,9863°) going counterwise

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FIG. 11.1 – 07/22/2008 CROP CIRCLE:

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FIG. 11.2 – 07/22/2008 CROP CIRCLE:
the Last Supper on Thursday of Holy Week

To decode the rest we have to refer to the HOLY MARY mother of GOD messages given in Anguera Brasil, else it would be very difficult. Let’s say impossibile. Let’s us firstly see the indicated dates:

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FIG. 11.3 – 07/22/2008 CROP CIRCLE:

(0) – 22-7-2017 – REFERENCE POINT ( I POINT on fig. 7.2)
(1) – June 29 – San Peter & Paul
(2) – May 13 2017 – Fatima’s Century
(3) – May 1- Start of Holy Mother Month
(4) – April 22/23 – Devine MERCY SUNDAY
(5) – April 16- EASTER
(6) – Apri 3-2017 – this day seems to be the death on the CROSS of our Lord Jesus Christ see 1st tetrad BIBLIC of ECLIPS of BLOOD MOON
(7) – March-17 2017 – The antichrist revealed to the world?
(8) – March 2 2017 – no particular meaning at the date

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FIG. 11.4 – 07/22/2008 CROP CIRCLE:

In any case we can see that we will have on Jesus and Holy MAry and Pope dates all the plagues of the END of TIMES. This to focus to human being that GOD exists and it is not waiting anymore.

THE MEANING of the Signs

NOTE: There is relationship between the two circles blue and light blue that center the sign. The graphical relationship is the distance from Sun to Earth and to Venus. The Starting point has been fixed to the year 2016 as the same point focus to the A point in Fig.11.4. The A point is a STARTING point. All the happenings starting from 08/10/2016 and the first sign at March 2, 2017 has at least to be found on other crops.

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FIG. 11.5 – 07/22/2008 CROP CIRCLE:

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FIG. 11.6 – 07/22/2008 CROP CIRCLE: Venus and Earth same orbit

Signes are related to HOLY MARY mother of GOD messages given in Anguera Brasil

March 2 2017 – the SIGN is the Earth axe out: There will be an imbalance in the Earth’s gravitational pull, which will attract the “giant” that is far away. 2807 – 06.03.2007 – There will be a great inclination of the ecliptic, which will impact the lives of humans and animals.2.707 – 15/07/2006 – The earth will continue to move from its axis, without which humanity noticing. The sea will increase in quantity, leaving thousands of sunken cities. Stormy winds ever seen in the quiet cities, will demolish houses in a second. Magnetic storms bring fear and terror in the big cities.

17-March-2017 – the SIGN is a Sea wave: An earthquake will raise the earth. Men will see something similar to the waves of the sea. 2554 – 26.07.2005 – The earth will shake and will rise like the waves of the sea. This will be the biggest disaster for humanity 3177 – 23/06/2009 – The continental plates are shaken by a great earthquake, such as there has never been since the days of Adam 2701 – 01/07/2006 – Humanity will experience great suffering when the earth will be shaken by an earthquake, which will drag into the sea many regions inhabited today 2,529 – 05.31.2005 – Continents will move and the Earth will split into several pieces 2.530 – 01.06.2005

3 April 2017 the SIGN is a TURTLE: The earth will tilt when the great approaches. The time will be lost [note: the REVOLUTION around the SUN won’t be the same as before – but SLOW DOWN]. The men will blend in front of what the Lord will allow 2,832 – 05/03//2007

16 April 2017 the SIGN is a SPIRAL: poles will invert polarity and earth will pass through great transformations. All living beings suffer 2,696 – 20/06/2006

22 April 2017 the SIGN is EARTH perfectly centered on its Orbit – the Earth will suffer the largest displacement. [ It will go out of its orbit]. Many regions of the Land of the Holy Cross (Brazil) you see today will cease to exist. 2799 – 15.02.2007

1 May 2017 – This sign is a suggestion of Second Sun. seeing: Men will see something like a sun that will remain visible in the sky for long hours. All eyes will see 2,510 – 16.04.2005. or a collision to Earth The comet will be great and will cause great destruction. 3109 – 15/01/2009 Book of Revelation – Chapter 8 [ 10]

13 May 2017 – the SIGN is EARTH gone elsewhere: There will come a day when the sun and the moon will turn over their course as you in your days 2,492 – 08.03.2005 [16 hours a day instead of 24 – Revelation Books)

29 June 2017 – The type of sign is similar to the SECOND SUN sign but seems to be another sign of collision to earth (metheorit? Comet?). The sign is not on the Blue circle. DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND.

22 JULY 2017 The collision between two giants in the universe [ SUN and black sun ] will cause great damage to the earth. Fire will fall from the sky and many regions of the earth be reached 3.113 – 24/01/2009 – It’s coming from very far away, and men can not prevent its destructive action – The day will come when men will cry for help and will want death. A rapid and destructive fire will reach the Earth. Continents will cease to exist and the earth will never be the same. Everything will be different. What we covered today will cease to exist. 3.201 – August 15, 2009 – Earth will lose its normal motion the Earth will be covered by darkness. The darkness will come from the immense light * . A mystery exists in big bright light will be revealed. 2793 – 31.01.2007

August 29 2013 CROP CIRCLE


MESSAGE #2910 – 01/11/2007 Light does not LIGHT UP and the house IS EMPTY. That’s the mystery. [3 days of darkness – all things will vanish in a flash – will remain on only the blessed candles – no energy will be available on the planet]

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FIG. 12 – First crop appeared on 13 august 2013: 22 circles tight together

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FIG. 12.2 – On August 29, 2013 the shape is completed

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FIG. 12.3 – on June 29 2017 all human beings will see the Second SUN

1 – On the 13th august 2013 crop circle shows 22 circles tight together: we consider them 22 SUN or 22 solar days

2 – On the 29th August 2013 the crop circle has been completed with other 3 concentric circles made by small squares that gives a DATE to be read in the following way: 29-24-17 —> 29 -[2+4] -2017 —-> 29-6-2017 with a SUN in the centre if we add the 22 solar days we get 21-7-2017 !!! but still there is more there to get:

3 – If we make the difference between the to dates of the crop circles (29 – 13) we get 16. This should say nothing if, in other crop circles it comes out the 16 hours per day. this seems to be a confirmation

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FIG. 13 -07/24/2014 CROP CIRCLE


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FIG. 13.1-07/24/2014 CROP CIRCLE points to 3 DAYS of DARKNESS 21-7-2017

1 – Three small aligned dots are the 3 planets (Mercury, Venus and Earth) PERFECTLY ALIGNED AT 21ST JULY 2017. Another crop shows the way it goes during the first 7 months of 2017.

2 – The 2 black big circles are the 2 SUNs the will encounter and crash. They are engaged on the left side by a semi-circle that shows a T that looks to the right towards the 3 planets. This sing –| indicates that there is a PUSH as a Piston does. So a force that is driving everything. The semi-circle is as a SPRING that compress the 2 big black spheres one to the other.

3 – On the center the usual SECOND SUN sign (0,66 ratio) used by the Angels to indicate that the SECOND SUN will ENTER our SUN. Our SUN is the external bigger circle, that include the Second Sun. sign. The date is of easy comprehension: 7/24, and if you make the difference with the 3 small black dots, we get 21st July.

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FIG. 13.2 -The 3 small dots indicates also the 3 DAYS of DARKNESS.
Many times the Angels have given several meanings on the same sign, just not to give a complete answer on the spot.

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FIG. 13.3 -The 2 external BIG circles NOT CENTERED with a black dot at midday, indicates the hour of the crashing. MIDDAY

Prophet Amos 8:9 “And it will come about in that day, says the Lord God, that I will make the sun go down in the middle of the day, and I will make the earth dark in daylight”.

Amos 8:10 “Your feasts will be turned into sorrow and all your melody into songs of grief; everyone will be clothed with haircloth, and the hair of every head will be cut; I will make the weeping like that for an only son, and the end of it like a bitter day.”

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FIG. 14 -07/28/2012 CROP CIRCLE
Another crop that confirms 07/21/2017 DATE + PLUS 2nd Sun crashing into our Sun


1 – 2 x 16 circles + HALF of a circle means: 2 x millennium: year 2000

16 circles gives the year: year 16 , so 2016

2 Halves means: add half of a year, so we gat to middle 2017

2 – the 7 circles gives the MONTH: the sevent month is JULY then we have 10 + 11 circles that gives THE DAY: the 21st

4 – 4 circles are in the direction of the BIG circle (our SUN indicated with #1), and the BLU ARROW indicates the DIRECTION

5 – the 2 circles in the middle (our SUN indicated with #2) indicates that our SUn will be centered in that day.

6 – in the Fiure the 2nd Sun and our SUN diameters remain the same and not varied.

7 – the last 3 circles are the remaining 3 planets of the 2nd Sun when this woll be arriving here

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FIG. 14.1 -07/28/2012 CROP CIRCLE
confirms 07/21/2017 DATE and three 2nd SUN planets left

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FIG. 15 -06/22/2015 CROP CIRCLE
It confirms the date 07/21/2017 and the formation of a Black HOLE(sse also 07/22/2008 CROP)


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FIG. 15.1 -The small dot indicates the REFERENCE where to start to count

2 – The BIG BLACK circle is the sign of the second SUN that will create the DARKNESS when it will center our SUN. Now it is bigger than our SUN circle to indicate that it will COVER completely our Sun, creating a Black Hole

07/21/2017 Date is confirmed again

Starting from the reference we count the number of rays:

1 – RED rays from 1 to 20 are the CENTURIES = 20 —-> 2000 years

2 – GREEN rays from 1 to 17 are the remaning years = 17 —-> 2017 years – Please note the 2 dots nearby the 16th that means: 16th LEAP YEAR

3 – BLUE RAYS from 1 to 7 are the MONTHS = 7 —-> JULY

4 – 2 VIOLET RAYS the Tenth of DAYS = 2 —–> 20 DAYS

5 – the LAST BLACK ray is the day = 1 more day —-> TOTAL 21 days

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FIG. 15.2 -06/22/2015 CROP CIRCLE
The indicated date is: 07/21/2017

Do you remember this 08/22/2012 CROP? – It did already indicate the VENUS ALIGNMENT exactly back of our SUN and the BLACK HOLE that will be produced up to the limit of VENUS orbit

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THIS WILL BE ALSO nearly the same on the 07/21/2017, see also Fig. 28


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Fig. 17

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Fig. 18

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Fig. 19

Meaning of the Signs (Fig. 17; 18; 19)

4 elementi che formano l’oscillazione per la misura del tempo:

1 – the pendulum
2 – the balancer spring used into mechanical watches
3 – the SWING used by children
4 – the diapason used into the BULOVA watches and 4 other BIO- TENSOR used in radiestesy (divining) normally used into ancestry medicine, but also at the date totale 8 sings that says 2 things:
3 – the internal circle is the EARTH the message is: it’s TIME to cure Earth NUMBER 8 is the number of RESURRECTION the date of the crop: 07/30/2014 —-> 30-7 = 23 2014+3 = 2017

SUNDAY JULY 23rd 2017 the day of RESURRECTION

The relevant Anguera message one year earlier: Humanity is sick and must be healed

3.835 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Granja do Torto/DF, delivered on June 18, 2013 transmitted in 18/06/2013

“Dear children, take on your true role as Christians and in everything be like Jesus. Witness with your very life that you belong to the Lord and that the things of the world are not for you. Separate yourselves from everything that paralyzes within you the true love of God. Do not forget: you are in the world but you are not of the world. Be filled with hope. Tomorrow will be better for men and women of faith. I am your Mother and I want to help you. Accept my appeals, for I want to lead you to the One who is your Way, Truth and Life. Your victory is in the Lord. Do not be discouraged. If you should happen to fall, call upon Jesus. He is your hope. In Him is your true liberty and salvation. You live in a time of a great spiritual battle. The weapons which I offer you for this spiritual combat will lead you to a great victory. Humanity is sick and must be healed. After all the tribulation, the Lord will dry your tears. When everything seems lost, there will occur the definitive triumph of my Immaculate Heart. Whoever remains faithful to the end will be saved. Go forward without fear. I love you and I will always be near to you. Do not be discouraged. I know each one of you by name and I will plead with my Jesus for you. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.”

The Angels confirm one year later with the crop

URANUS and MARS will be destroyed

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Fig. 20 – 07/25/2012 CROP CIRCLE

I would say that this circle is confirmed, but the star charts confirm. when Mercury Venus and Earth are aligned behind the sun on 04/16/2017 at Easter), Mars will instead front in the direction of arrival of the second sun, who after having eaten Uranus in 2016, is going to eat’ too little mars more ‘late in 2017 the god of war will be ‘destroyed before the resurrection. the circle of ‘indications of which planets are in the SECOND SIGHT SUN. You do not want to be a star map that indicates the actual locations. The diameters of 9 planets are SYMBOLIC, while the red circles and blue, could give indications of distance, and by inference of WHEN it happens. Uranus, already ‘know (approximately 2016), for Mars will be’ a few months later.

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Fig. 21 – 07/27/2012 CROP CIRCLE

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Fig. 22 – MAY 7, 2015 CROP CIRCLE (Holland; Oudenbosch, Hoeven)

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Fig. 23 – MAY 7, 2015 CROP CIRCLE (Holland; Oudenbosch, Hoeven)

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Fig. 24 – The 08/13/2010 CROP CIRCLE states that the SECOND SUN comes from URANO DIRECTION
(another confirmation) and WILL CENTER OUR SUN – It refers to the Eucharist (chalice and Host) to Ethernal salvation

Our Lady of Anguera Prophecies

Fig. 25 – The 08/13/2010 CROP CIRCLE states that the SECOND SUN comes from URANO DIRECTION

Our Lady of Anguera Prophecies

Fig. 26 – The 08/01/2012 CROP CIRCLE – The EFFECTIVE planet position on 07/21/2017


The 1 August 2012 crop circle, indicates Mercury, Venus and Earth positions, affected by the gravitational pull of the great mass of the SECOND SUN. The revolution speeds will start to change just after 1st January 2017, and seasons will be gone.

As a result, the three planets will actually be in PERFECT LINE, before the clash with the second sun to our sun, which will position a TOTAL PROTECTION to the antagonist. The apocalyptic meaning is pretty clear: OUR SUN is the LIGHT. Our Real Lignt is Jesus Christ. He the Lord sits again (He die for the SECOND TIME) to save the HUMANITY; He intrudes and shields the second sun (OFF – Read BLACK = Satan) towards Earth.

Here the 2 important references to start understanding

Our Lady of Anguera Prophecies

Fig. 27 – The 08/01/2012 CROP CIRCLE
FIRST REFERENCE: The reference date to read the crop. Fatima’s third appearance and of course our Earth

Our Lady of Anguera Prophecies

Fig. 28 – SECOND REFERENCE: The Second Sun arrival direction
The Second Sun is perfeclty aligned to Venus at 12/22/2012 (from the 07/22/2008 crop previously seen)

Our Lady of Anguera Prophecies

Fig. 29 – Venus position at 12/22/2012 & Earth position at 07/13/2016 64° difference

Our Lady of Anguera Prophecies

Fig. 30 – Venus position at 12/22/2012 & Earth position at 07/13/2016

Our Lady of Anguera Prophecies

Fig. 31 – Thin lines means normal speed – Thick lines means revolution speed is slowing down

Our Lady of Anguera Prophecies

Fig. 32 – thin lines means normal speed, this is a reference to use for the positioning.
In fact earth position is still correct at 09/13/2016, then lines are starting to increase a bit in thickness.
Let’s take Venus up to 1st/3rd January 2017 as NORMAL speed, in fact that is its REAL and THEORETICAL position, while Earth, as we will see, on fig. 28.7, has already encountered a thicker line on its orbit.
Earth is in fact in a backward position than normal. Also Mercury is already backward

Our Lady of Anguera Prophecies

Fig. 33 – Theoretical Earth – Venus and Mercury positions at January 3, 2017

Our Lady of Anguera Prophecies

Fig. 34 – EARTH – Venus and Mercury REAL ad theoretical POSITIONs at Jan 1, 2017

FIG. 34 – The REAL PLANET POSITION after 1-1-2017, shown on their orbits at the first of each month In fact, we see it now, the real Earth position at 1-1-2017 is a little backward as shown here. Angels used the diameters to explain ALIGNMENTs month by month. Just interconnecting the center of each we get the real movements, projected onto the orbits. Everything is coherent even on the very first small circle to Venus and the missing one on Mercury (see fig.28.10 where they have been coherently added), where in fact we have found the real position. Remember, the circles supply the reference date, NOT TO BE ONE MORE. A note more: if you have a look to the Mercury orbital speed, this complies to the thikness of the line, where after the 1st April 2017 the thickness is reduced and the speed is increasing (see distances of the variuos circles from April to July, in respect to January-April). A perfect Divining.

We know from other crops that there will be an Earth orbit shifting toward Venus starting from 22 April 2017. The purpose of this crop is not to show again the thing, as several crops already do.

Our Lady of Anguera Prophecies

Fig. 35 – The REAL PLANET POSITIONS after 1-1-2017 and the SIGN: a Hand that holds the planets to stop them

Our Lady of Anguera Prophecies

Fig. 36 -The REAL FINAL PLANET ALIGNMENT situation in respect to the theoretical
why Mars is not considered into this CROP? Because it will be destroyed some months earlier.
See its dramatical position. So it does not matter for the Angels to show


Our Lady of Anguera Prophecies

Fig. 37 -The POSSIBLE FINAL PLANET ALIGNMENT situation in respect to the theoretical


Our Lady of Anguera Prophecies

Fig. 38 -Earth axe tilting on Easter 04/16/2017

As many times Angels has given very good graphical sings, out of which we have brought several data, we can suppose that the CURVE used to indicate the EARTH orbit displacement TOWARD Venus that will start on 22 April, has been really designed to give us the possibility to extract the hours per day during the orbital shifting. So we graphically try to manage the thing, obviously with a certain percentage error. Must be said at this time, that no scientist will be able to understand anything during this period of time, for several reasons:

1 – All artificial satellites will be already fall down and completely out of order during the Earth Axe tilting in 16 April.

2 – The Earth and Venus and Mercury positions will be on line toward the SUN, so, going toward the Sun, we will have Venus in front and NOT Visibile because we spot the SUN, so the same about Mercury

3 – Mars is already gone, so, non reference there. Satellites as Curiosity or else do not exist anymore. Also the STEREO satellites that aim the Sun maybe alredy gone. Anything else?

4- Yes, the 90° Axe tilting will have already confused everyone, because the Sun will not appear in the East in the morning, and would not fall down at West in the night (North emisphere)

Our Lady of Anguera Prophecies

Fig. 39 – This crop shows the BYNARY orbit of VENUS and EARTH in the last 70 days.
It also explains that the hours in a day will be 16

Our Lady of Anguera Prophecies

Fig. 40

3 Days of Darkness5 – Saint Padre Pio da Pietralcina about the month of May says: It disappear a land … a great land. A country will be forever erased from the map … And the land will be dragged through its mud history, wealth and men. .. From the wrath of God will not spare the men of science, but only men of heart. A meteor will fall on the earth and everything will jump. It will be a disaster, much worse than a war. Many things will be deleted. This will be one of the signs … You will have moments of tragedy. Beware of May.

Well, here we are, everything will happen in the month of May of course, in a orbit displacement, the things said, is the minimun that can happen, but there is one thing more that the Saint says:

6 – Pray for the three days of darkness that you’ll be going to live, but do not let yourself getting lost. .. You will be missing the most essential things. Make some supplies, at least for three months … Everything will fall in no time. When you will realize it, you will already have the avalanche on you. Humanity is close to the abyss … Try to stay close, to help you, because you will need each other’s help. .. Many men have in front of the cliff and do not see it.

You do not believe? in fact there will be left only 3 months time from May, less than that: 71 days of 16 hours a day.

A question arise: are we sure that there will be an Earth orbit misplacement? Yes, pretty sure. If you do not believe to the Holy Mother of God, well, other crops are stating this manner. We will be gonig to see them.

Here we have graphically designed a yellow and another red orbit, plus we already have the Blue (Venus Orbit) and the light blue (Earth orbit), and draw segments on the yellow spots to measure Earth distance to the Sun during the misplacement and in a simple manner calculating the hours per day.

Our Lady of Anguera Prophecies

Fig. 41 – Calculating the hours per day during Earth orbit displacement

While there is a formula to calculate the revolution around a star (Kepler’s third law), there is no way to calculate the SPEED ROTATION of a planet, also because influenced by any satellites that slow it down and can stabilize the tilt of the axis. Doing a simple calculation applied to the diameters, (as those of Earth and Venus are very similar) if the earth (no moon) should take the place of Venus, the diameter ratio 12,700 km for the Earth and 12,100 km for Venus. This says the ROTATION (and this is my deduction, no scientific formula confirms) can be given by the ratio:

12.7 / 12.1 = 1.05 (increases the time because the planet EARTH is bigger).

If we multiply 15 hours / day of Venus x 5.1 out 15,74 ie 15 hours and 45 minutes.

If we add a minimum slowdown also due to the presence of the Moon, and even then Venus, it is really possible that the hours are just 16 per days as mentioned in Revelation – Chapter 8 12 The fourth angel sounded his trumpet, and a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them turned dark. A third of the day was without light, and also a third of the night.

From the graph of FIG. 41 we can calculate with plane geometry formulas, the hours of the day during the ORBIT MISPLACEMENT, assuming that the track designed by the angels is true and not just a tool CUE.

Starting from 04/22/2017 planet Earth will start to displace its orbit toward Venus, and during this period hours per day will begin to recede, but also the revolution around the sun WILL be reduced, due to the strong force applied by the Second Sun.

Starting from 05/13/2017 hours per day will be 16 instead of 24. All the clocks will be useless and time will be lost. there ‘a beautiful message in Anguera: The midday sun will be considered more important than the evening Sun. —> What is the point? a non-trivial sense if integrated into context just said, and the SUN EVENING for me would be that the PLANET VENUS, very close to us, (for a spit away) will be ‘a huge moon enlighten’ the land, but on this last point for now they do not just guesses.

Message No. 2539 – 24.06.2005
“Dear children, return to the Lord. Only in Him is your full happiness. Repent of your sins and be reconciled with the Lord through the Sacrament of Confession. Eucharist is your strength. Prepare and receive precious food. The midday sun will be considered more important than the evening. A bird of the building will live in another nest. Bird dangerous country of the king; land of sins. Listen carefully to what I say. Always pray and pray a lot. It is good to pray for Pope Benedict XVI. The stone of the stone will be broken. This is the message I give you today in the name of the Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you here once again. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Movement around the sun will be slowed down quite a bit and the seasons will change. Also in this case, we know the date, but not exactly on the day and time ….. here come true prophecies. Jesus never speaks at random, but drawing conclusions only on the words you are likely to say to God, what He should do ..the end of time, and only the wise will understand written in Daniel’s Book

I only draw the conclusions, I do not say BELIEVE ME, but to be awating to see without praying, your risk is big

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