Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

August 2019: Do not lose yourselves in other faiths

Let the holy rosary be for you a daily prayer and continue to live in the certitude that you will be forgiven if you ask forgiveness with sincerity


AUGUST 28, 2019 – Jesus, Love and Mercy

Jesus“It is I, your Jesus. I am with you to console you and to remind you of my Words: “knock and it will be opened for you – ask and it will be given to you.” I am here I am listening to you but I want that if you ask, you ask with faith. My will shall be accomplished and everything will return to its proper place. Those who find themselves unprepared will have to struggle and suffer more than those who await my coming with faith. My Name is no longer on the lips of many of my children and I will not be able to do anything good if they do not open to me their hearts. My children, bear witness; you do not have much time left at your disposal. Believe and you will obtain. My Mother brings you always before me, invokes every grace for each of you and I will hear her out. My Father will make use of his justice but fear not, you have a Mother in heaven who is very convincing – be aware of this. I ask you, bear witness and make your brethren hear that my second coming will solve all of your problems. Accept trials with prayer; only with prayer will you be victors over Satan and his wickedness. Dear children, my love for you is great. Let yourselves be shaped by my Holy Spirit. Be submissive to my will. Have faith, otherwise your sufferings will become insupportable. You have exceeded every limit of evil, now you must pay the consequences for it. But remember, your Jesus is rich in mercy. I will be close to you. Entrust yourselves to my merciful arms. My Mother is suffering and making offerings for you. Let my blessing be of comfort to you in difficult moments.”

AUGUST 21, 2019 – Mary, She Who Prays to the Son

MariaMostHoly1“My dear children, do you understand how difficult are the times in which you are living? I no longer find the words to convince you to change your manner of living. You do not understand that without God you can no longer go very far. Not only do you not put the Creator in first place, but most of you no longer want to know about God. Do not mourn when you confront illnesses of every kind; I repeat, even the earth will revolt against you. I repeat: from your table will be lacking food of primary importance, your children will no longer be able to understand how they must behave to have all that they need. I invite you to take up again my weapon in your hand and to use it day and night. Time passes inexorably and you will no longer be able to turn back. The things of the world will pass away and at that point so many of you will no longer find even peace, so important for going forward. The young are in grave danger and, in the end, will no longer know how to choose between good and evil. Feel yourselves responsible for all of this and begin to change your life while you have time. Have you understood that you are renouncing true life? I will follow you step by step, but if you continue to turn a deaf ear you will remain in total darkness. Prayer is the only weapon that remains for you to combat the devil, who is all the more gaining strength from your weaknesses. I pray you, let your heart follow the way suggested by Him who has created you. I bless you and promise you that I will not abandon you.

AUGUST 14, 2019 – Mary, Assumed into Heaven

MariaMostHoly1“My dear children, do you realize what you are asking me when reciting the Hail Mary? I will certainly be present at the hour of your death. You continue to call it “death,” but there is nothing more mistaken, because that is the most important moment of “True Life.” Dear children, it is precisely at that moment that comes about your birth into heaven, your birth where there will be no more death; you will enjoy life for eternity. I will support you in that moment, to make you savor those moments of joy that you will experience after having asked pardon for all your sins against my Son. I have been Assumed into heaven and from that day onward I have been truly a mother to all of you, the Only Mother who can do all in her requests for you to Jesus, born from my womb through the work of the Holy Spirit. My dear children, be ready, because soon will come about our true encounter. The ancient serpent will no longer be able to do anything against you and my Immaculate Heart will finally triumph. You are born for heaven. My dear children, I ask you from the bottom of my heart, do not choose sin, where you cannot imagine how great are the sufferings that those who, knowingly, choose the depths of hell, must suffer. True joy you will savor fully only when Jesus returns to earth and does justice. Then all will transform into complete joy for you. I pray that you have faith, even in the moments of trial that you must overcome in the future. I assure you of my presence, but you, do not forget my recommendations. I bless you. My Assumption into heaven has been willed by Jesus.”

August 7, 2019 – Mary, Morning Sun

MariaMostHoly1“My such beloved children, be certain of this: I am your defense. Entrust yourselves to my maternal arms and fear not. You know very well that your action must consist in obedience, in all things, to the will of God. Let your living be founded on the Word of Jesus, “Yes-yes – no-no.” The rest comes from Satan who more than ever in these times is harvesting victims. Be always bound to your “Creed.” Do not mix yourselves up in other confessions. The true faith is only that which deals with the blessed Trinity – the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. Do not lose yourselves in other faiths. I, Mary, the woman clothed with the sun, can bring clarity to your minds, since my sun is my Son, crucified for you, Jesus. Dear children, remember, if you get lost you have the possibility of reentering the Holy Flock. Your priests have the power, through Jesus, of forgiving your offenses and, always through my Son, will your sins be remitted. May the Holy Spirit illuminate you in this steep path, full of obstacles. I will never leave you, but you, be aware that only by belonging to the holy Church and being obedient to the words of the Gospel will you be saved. Do not choose other roads even if they seem more comfortable to you. Only in God is salvation. Be courageous. Confront all obstacles in the certainty that Jesus and all his Saints in heaven will be at your side. Do not let yourselves be tricked by the ancient serpent; he is certain perdition. Pray and have others pray. .”
